Mila Beans
I use to work at a little pizza place in Wisconsin called Sperinos and there I met a friend Lauren(and her "husband") over the years we have gotten close even though we live a thousand miles away we chat on the internet. She is one of the sweetest women around so carrying and encouraging and she is never in a bad mood I just love Lauren she is a doll just like her children...we both have two children she has a boy and a girl and our last two Sora and Mila are about 5 weeks apart so we were pregnant at the same time...I put on my facebook a couple weeks ago the first five to respond to this post will receive something for free and of course Lauren responded and even if she didn't I was still wanting to send her I remember her saying that she loved the love me cover up awhile ago so that is exactly what I sent her and today she sent me some pictures of cute little Mila in it, I also sent her some bows from my huge bow stash I made over Christmas time :)
Mila Beans
Isn't she a doll, she is so stinking cute...
she is wearing one of the little bows I gave her too, I hope you enjoy it Mila I know it's to cold to wear outside right now, but when summer arrives I hope you get some good use out of it :)
Peace Love and Cupcakes
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