where have I been

How did I for get to post about my niece Seferina's birthday party, she turned 3 on November 21st. Chloe and her are the same age for two months as they are only ten months apart...and they get along so well love them too...so this is a picture post of the party and the things I made for her..it's been awhile for picture post it's due :)...

the three year olds

miss sora (we call her soda pop) she are get into EVERYTHING

she was getting tired 

Erik's NaNa

I made the girls outfits from a t-shirt and another old t shirt along with fabric iron on snow white (Chloe's favorite princess of the moment) and Foofa (of course Sora freak when she see the sight of that orange jump suite walking across the screen) (yo gabba gabba)...

she is to cute for words

as well as her (love her face)

Seferina loves Minnie mouse so I made her ears and a skirt the bows I hand painted myself :) (proud lol)...along with a flirtbuttons I won awhile back from a giveaway, and a hole bunch of hair clips and lastly a nice little placemat clutch to carry all her goodies...

don't for get about my giveaway (post before this) ends soon :)

Peace Love and Cupcakes


  1. That skirt and headband are so cute!!

  2. Beautiful happy photos and very cute children. It's been quite a while since my son looked that adorable! I'm a new follower dropped by from the Tuesday Train. I think the title of your blog is excellent too.
    carol from www.facing50withhumour.blogspot.com


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