Picture's of the Elly dress in action

So like I thought Sora was not really working with me for pictures today but I did get two cute ones of her. She also wouldn't let me fix the dress when I got it on her, so the skirt is super high not where I wanted it but hey thats okay here is my little buttercup in action...
She refused to stand at first hehe I love her and every time she smiles she says "cheese"

I love how this one came out her hair is just blowing everywhere in the wind...

P.s and guess what the other day I found out I won a giveaway, as soon as my prizes arrive I will show you. i'm super excited because its the first time i've ever won in my life and I think its an awesome win :)

a ton of more tutorials to come but for now...

Peace Love and Cupcakes


  1. That turned out so cute! The hairclip really compliments the dress.

    Congrats on your win!

    I'm hosting a contest on my blog if you're interested. :)


  2. Brain-fart! LOL

    I just realized that while reading your post, I scrolled by my button! LOL

    Thanks BTW! :)


  3. thank you girls so much if I was able to get the dress on right it would have looked better but hey were i'm dealing with a one year old lol...


  4. I thought you might be interested in spreading the word of the glitch that blocked our comments. Check my blog if you are. :)


  5. HI there just stopping by from the Boost my blog Friday stop by and say Hi and tell me why your smiling this Friday. Very Cute!

  6. This is such a cute outfit. I love the peanut and elephant combo. You r daughter is beautiful.

  7. thank you so much for the comment Haylee means a lot i hope you enjoy the rest of my blog as well :)



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