Twins onesie ~ Tutorial

My cousins friend just had twin baby girls and my aunt had asked if I could make onesie for the girls and I came up with Copy and Paste classic for twins and of course added my signature ruffle across the bum..this tutorial was taken with my point and shoot so bad pictures but a really simple tutorial once you start making these you wont to stop... I still have some ruffle bums for sale in my shop that I believe are like 5 dollar (haven't looked in the shop for awhile) if you don't want to make your own...

Ruffle bum onesie tutorial

grab your size onesies, two stripes of fabric twice as long as your onesie and whatever thickness you would like the ruffle to be, also you will need freezer paper and fabric paint

take your two strips of fabric 

sew down the middle long ways making your ruffle

now sew each ruffle on to the back of your onesie like so making your ruffled bum, its complete you could just keep it like that or go on to the next step with the freezer paper

I just wrote right on to the freezer paper (non shiny side) then took an xacto knife and cut each letter out Iron them into place on the took a piece of cardboard put in between the onesie so piant wont leak and paint each onesie let dry for at least a couple of hours, them peel the freezer paper off and you are done... easy peasy..

cute huh something simple you could do for a baby shower gift or just make one for your little girl :)

Peace Love and Cupcakes


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