
So the other day I found this blog called Mila's daydreams, it's about a new mommy who takes pictures of her daughter "Mila" while she is sleeping. There very different unique and cute so this is where I found the idea to these pictures I came up with for my niece Petal I didn't use the same deigns so i'm not breaking any copyright rules (at least I hope not) so here are three pictures I whipped up today more to come. The reason why I wanted to do this is so Tricia (sister in law/petals mommy) could blow the pictures up and hang them on her wall :O), also i'm going to be doing this with my girls soon...

suppose to be her on the moon i'm going to redo it cuz it looks like a banana or something lol

and last

Peace Love and Cupcakes


  1. That is so neat! Did you know that there is actually a period of time when you can photograph a baby underwater without the baby inhaling water?! I don't know how long it lasts but I know it lasts for a pretty long time. (If you want it done, I'd suggest have an experienced, professional BABY photographer do it!) It is a natural reaction for the baby. It is the same reaction that keeps babies from drowning in amniotic fluid. It is also the same reason that water-births are possible.

    I'm not saying do it, I just thought it was a cool bit of info.

    ~ANKH :)


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